Cyrptocurrency is a digital currency for instances Bit coin, Etherum coin , Doge coin, Lite coin..etc.., are knowns as Cryptocurrency and it can spend for different purposes like same has our country currency we spend, but the value of each coins differs. However right now Bitcoin is the Highest value and you check in Google orelse click here to know the current rate and also you can check with your country currency. Moreover there are people who had invested in Bitcoin and became a Millionaire but I don't prefer you to invest in this without a proper guidelines has there are alots of fraud website's. At initially Instead of investment it's better to earn by urself And also experience it, so that then invest if and only if when you get a confidence and believe on working website. Let's start.
Usually before get started, I just Forgot to mention about were to store your coins, After you earn it. Yeah I know that you have a idea about what is a wallet and how to use it, generally I am asking you, has it goes same meaning for Bitcoin wallet which stores only Bitcoins, Litecoin wallet it is also for only Litecoins. However there are some wallets which can stores two or more different Cryptocurrency coins in one wallet like Blockchain, coinbase ...,etc.., Moreover if you type in Google for best Cryptocurrency wallets some top 10 rank wallet website link will be appear.