
In this website has different coins with respective wallets are available and earning can be done by recieving faucets which is  available for every 5 minutes and to this tokens is  a bonus which you will get when you collect the faucets and it is depend upon the websites which is inter-link with the coinpot website. Moreover the list is mentioned below the registration process. However Mining options is also available for every coin type, but the hash rate depends on the availablity of  graphics in system has it is proved that more number of graphics card generators more amount of hash power to earn coins easily without time taken process.

Without Mining also you can earn the coins by visiting the websites and collecting the faucets, Moreover the coins which you had collected in different websites will automatically saves in Coinpot has it work also has a wallet to you.  However you can withdraw from coinpot by simply clicking on withdraw and give the wallet address to transfer the coin. But before that you just have to reach the minimum limit for withdraw purpose, Moreover it also displays to you if  you don't reach the limit has I had also mentioned below the list of minimum amount for withdraw of each coin.

so guys dont be late, has bitcoin and others coins price rates might increase in future, so its better to earn different coins as fast as possible you can.
 Step By Step:

1) First of all you need to Register in this website by clicking on Register and it is quite common.

2) Now a new tab will be appear on the screen, as shown in the below image. Here you need to provide your details, which is require for the website. Moreover in the image, I had mentioned what to type and were to click.

3) check you email inbox has there will be a confirmation link which will be send by coinpot website 

4) Now Dhashboard will appear and here you can able to see that how much coins you have. However to see especially one coin like bitcoin or dogecoin or any other coin just click/select on the "view ....... summary " than only that particular coin details will be appear and then you can see the options for withdraw and also you can convert the one coin into other coin like exchange type but you will recieve which depends on coin value. For instance
1 Bitcoin= 1935319.44 Dogecoin and 10000 Dogecoin = 0.01 Bitcoin according to the current price on 1 of March 2019

5) for mining purposes click on 

click on down arrow 
then select on "mine" option wheather it may be bitcoin, dogecoin,etc.,, it will be like mine bitcoin or mine dogecoin like that .